Category Archives: Café Simpatico

Revolutionary Poster Exhibition


The Central America Support Committee with assistance from the Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria are putting on a Revolutionary Poster Exhibition at 2 locations at the end of May.

The main exhibition will be held at the Café Gallery at the Cedar Hill Recreation Centre, 3220 Cedar Hill Rd. beginning May 28th and showing until June 11th. The other

location is the Bruce Hutchinson Library at Saanich Commonwealth Place, May 30th to July 11th.

There will also be 3 separate events during the exhibition.

  1. The opening of the Café Gallery exhibit will be Friday, May 30th from 7 – 9pm at the Cedar Hill Recreation Centre 3220 Cedar Hill Rd. This will include a short program of speeches and  music. Refreshments will be available including CASC’s own Café Simpatico.
  2. Also at the Café Gallery, An Evening of Music and Solidarity will be hosted by Nedjo Rogers on June 6th from 7 to 9pm. Refreshments will also be available for this event.
  3. Also at the Cedar Hill Recreation Centre Terry Wolfwood will present a power point presentation on The Art of Resistance, Sunday, June 8th from 2 to 4 pm.

The purpose of this exhibition is:

  1. to celebrate the history and the struggles of the people of Central America and Latin America as depicted in the various campaigns that the posters describe.
  2. to let the general public know about that history and the current work of CASC.

We look forward to seeing you at one or more of these events.

Beyond the Veil of Sand

CAFE SIMPATICO: April 25, Friday. 1923 Fernwood Road. Doors open at 7 pm. Live Music at 7:30 pm Presentation at 8 pm.
Presentation by Theresa Wolfwood

Beyond the Veil of Sand:
The Life of the Saharawi people in exile & under occupation
followed by discussion and action suggestions.

Theresa Wolfwood has recently returned from the Saharawi refugee camps in the desert of Algeria where she attended the 38th anniversary of the founding of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic.

Admission by donation – refreshments available – organic fair trade coffee–
Information: bbcf(at)bbcf(dot)ca

Memory, Truth, and Justice in Guatemala

When: Friday, March 28, 2014, 7:30 PM

Where: 1923 Fernwood Dr., Victoria


Learn about historical memory and the struggles of today with Wendy Mendez, founding member of HIJOS, sons and daughters of the disappeared in Guatemala.


Wendy came to Canada as a refugee after her mother was disappeared by the Guatemalan military, then returned to spend the last nine years working for truth and justice in Guatemala.


Wendy will share her own story and experiences with HIJOS in the trial of ex-dictator Rios Montt and trace connections between past repression/genocide and the neo-liberal economic interests of today, including mining projects.


El Salvador vencera!

CASC invites you to our monthly Cafe Simpatico coffee house at 1923 Fernwood Road
el Salv Mex 2012               085 - Copy
Friday Feel Salv Mex                                   2012 033 - Copyb. 28 Doors open 7:15 pm Live music at 7:30 pm PROGRAM starts at 8 pm
………El Salvador vencera!
A report from Victoria election observers in El Salvador. They will report on the exciting close race for President with Salvador Sanchez Ceren winning 49,5% of votes cast.
Our speakers will also report on their visits to projects and places CASC has supported for several years including El Milagro.
We offer REFRESHMENTS & CAFE SIMPATICO organic fair trade coffee.
And on March 28 we will hear from Wendy Mendez of HIJOS Guatemala—Sons and Daughters for Identity and Justice Against Forgetting and Silence

Trois Riveres Tale

Special performance fundraiser at Cafe Simpatico: The Trois-Rivières Tales

On January 31 Cafe Simpatico features performance artist social activist Nedjo Rogers in a one of a kind performance piece: the Trois-Rivières Tales!

Join the wild ride as Nedjo leads you on a cross-Canada road trip story telling contest. Modelled (loosely!) on the Canterbury Tales, this rollicking mock epic features drunken car thieves, Greek gods, an ode to Saskatchewan, and prophetic activist visions–all in rhyming couplets.

Special performance fundraiser at Cafe Simpatico: The Trois-Rivières Tal
WhenFriday, January 31, 2014, 7:30 pm
Where: 1923 Fernwood Rd. (Little Fernwood Hall).

Doors open at 7:00. Come early for coffee, tea, and cookies.
Starts 7:30. We will start on time, so please be seated by 7:30.
Length: 90 minutes.
Please stay for refreshments and mingling following the show.
More info:

A benefit for Central America Support Committee and Mining Justice Action Committee.

Suggested donation: $7 unwaged/$10 waged.

The Sound of Solidarity: a benefit concert for Philippines typhoon relief

Come hear some great local music, enjoy desserts in a coffeehouse atmosphere, and help raise funds for disaster relief in the Philippines.

When: Friday, Nov. 29th, 7:30 PM – 10 PM.
Where: Fernwood Community Association hall, 1923 Fernwood in Victoria.

by donation

We’ve got a great lineup of local musical groups and singer-songwriters. Come out to hear Filipino and Latin America folk songs as well as multi-part harmonies and singalong favourites.

Also, an up to the minute report on how impacted communities are coping on the ground.

All donations will go to the Canadian chapter of the Philippine organization Sagip Migrante for financial support of victims of typhoon Yolanda.

Sponsored by Victoria Philippines Solidarity Group and Central America Support Committee.


Cafe Simpatico Sept. 27 2013


Doors open at 7 pm with live music at 7:30 pm   Program starts at 8 pm

1923 Fernwood Road.  Info: 250 595-7519 Admission by donation  Refreshments  Fair trade coffee for sale

CASC is pleased to host JAY HARTLING as our guest speaker at the first CAFE of the fall season.

A graduate of Simon Fraser University in Latin American Studies; she has a Master’s in Public Policy from U. of Victoria


JAY will speak on “CHANGE in LATIN AMERICA”

Jay worked in policy planning in Nova Scotia before living in Central America. She works as a writer, journalist, political analyst and consultant; her work has taken her to Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Guatemala and El Salvador.

She has been living in San Salvador for 2 years where she has worked with the Vice-President’s Commission on Social Justice. This commission, run by unpaid volunteers, works with the poorest of communities in El Salvador, supporting local economic and social initiatives. CASC has contributed to one of these projects which was visited by CASC members in 2012.

For some of her writing see: