La Casa de la Salud, El Milagro & Victoria’s Delegation 2014 to El Salvador

You may remember that in 2012 some CASC members went to El Salvador to be election observers, we later reported back at Cafe Simpatico; we also visited various community projects and organizations, including a village 
called El Milagro which is one the 6 poorest villages in El Salvador. The people who live there were displaced from their homes some years ago by a natural disaster the then government dumped them on a notorious garbage dump 
outside the capital city, a lava field where the bodies of people killed by police & soldiers were thrown. Under the FMLN government these people were give a village site in a valley north of San Salvador and with little except 
scrounged materials make their homes in El Milagro; they now have title to their lots. The money CASC gave went towards supporting a chicken project that people had decided would help their nutrition and provide some income. I saw this project when I was there; people were optimistic, happy and working to build a new life.

Several CASC members are going to El Salvador this year and will be going to El Milagro again. This year the community is seeking funds to repair and build a building that will be a clinic for visiting medical teams and provide a community workshop-meeting space. They need $1500 for materials; most of the work will be done by volunteers. La Casa de la Salud in El Milagro, will serve more than 80 families. The existing building needs a new cement floor, roof repairs, a small open room for community events, and a nice coat of paint! The estimated cost is $1500. CASC and other Victoria groups have already donated money and we are inviting individual CASC member to also donate if they wish. Please participate, support and make it possible.

Send your cheques to Victoria CASC
c/o Treasurer Carlos Flores, 3835 Saanich Rd. Victoria BC V8X 1Y4
Please put Casa de la Salud, El Milagro in memo line. The funds will be delivered in person by CASC members.


El milagro_sept_2013 clinicel Salv Mex 2012 054


For nearly 10 years CASC has been selling, at a small mark-up, – coffee beans raised organically on the island of Omotepe in Lake Nicaragua.We get the beans from a Salt Spring volunteer group who negotiate a fair trade price with the farmers and then bring it into BC where the green beans are stored and roasted locally. With our small mark-up, made possible by CASC volunteers ordering, bagging, & distributing the coffee on order & at monthly Cafe & other events, CASC is able to donate to many projects, including El Milagro and elsewhere.We order small quantities at a time, so Cafe Simpatico is always fresh, med-dark beans. A full pound/454 gram costs $13.


Our only retail outlet is Blair Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Market, 924 Pandora St. which also sells Fair trade Palestinian olive oil.

If you need coffee – please phone Gerd at 250 59
for pickup or delivery in town of 2 or more pounds.

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