A new poetry collection by Theresa Wolfwood

…with many poems about Central America

Theresa Wolfwood. 2014. Smallberry Press, London. UK ISBN: 978-0993031502

The passion for social justice, human rights and the longing for peace illuminate many of Theresa’s poems. In some the passion is expressed by individuals: a child in Gaza recounts her own war story and tells readers…we are still here in Gaza. In El Salvador a baker stands up against international mining interests…strong from the resistance of bread dough. She expresses her love for the world she inhabits on the edge of the Pacific Ocean, a world where all life in connected … rooted we are together in this brief borrowed paradise.

The poetry of Theresa Wolfwood also includes the intensely personal love poems for her lover …your back a mahogany guitar/ emerging from its case… and for her mother…She lay unconscious, a crumpled stained handkerchief/on a stretch of dirty snow.

Theresa Wolfwood is a poet of fine sensitivity and deep passion for the human condition, the world we travel through and our search for truth and meaning. Her poems are to be savoured and re-read as sign posts in all our journeys; her words, honest about tragedy and horror are nonetheless imbued with hope and optimism that …we will transform the power of desecration/ our song will restore the earth.

From the publisher
Theresa Wolfwood writes intelligent, compassionate poems that are able to bear witness to human suffering and resilience, distant and near, with the same intimacy, sweetness and persuasive power. Theresa has a steady open gaze, what Iris Murdoch called ‘the reality of compassion…. the ability to see clearly.” Heather Spears, artist and Governor-General’s Award winning poet, author of 11 books of poetry and 4 novels

“Theresa Wolfwood puts her passion for justice into action, presentations, photography, fabric banners and fortunately for us — also on the page. Her poetry sings us to a better world through lament, challenge, hope and above all, love. Through much of my life, Theresa’s work has been an inspiration.” Carolyn Pogue, author of Rock of Ages and After the Beginning

“Like ‘the steadfast scent of za’atar’, the poems of Theresa Wolfwood are the product of her big heart: passionate, encouraging and hopeful. Yes, her poems crave the beauty of justice in an unjust world. To her, the Palestinian pain is not a theme of solidarity but a first-hand personal experience in her life. To be political and convincing in the same time is difficult but this is exactly the achievement of these poems.” Mourid Barghouti, author of Midnight and other poems & I saw Ramallah

Available from:
Ivy’s Bookshop, Victoria, BC
Beit Zatoun shop, Toronto, Ontario
Arbutus Arts, Hornby Island, BC
On line on Amazon & other outlets

For bulk purchase please contact the publisher: orders@smallberrypress.co.uk

Communities in Resistance Art Opening and Poetry Night

The October 24th Cafe Simpatico was a moving and beautiful event
combining visual art, poetry, and song.

Sponsored by the Victoria-based Mining Justice Action Committee,
“Communities in Resistance” was a project to honour and recognize
communities impacted worldwide by the operations of Canadian-based
mining companies.

Outgoing Victoria Poet Laureate Janet Rogers opened the evening with
riveting readings from her most recent book, Peace in Duress.

Local poet and CASC member Terry Wolfwood read two pieces about
community leaders targeted for their resistance to Canadian mining in El

The event was also an opening for a two-week art show at the Little
Fernwood Gallery adjoining the Paul Phillips Hall where Cafe Simpatico
is held. Several of the artists were on hand to answer questions about
the moving pieces they produced.

Images from the event on the MJAC website,
and in a YouTube video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-AZ0uLwdbE&feature=youtu.be by the
ExibitVic project.

Oro by Charlotte Bell