Cafe Simpatico on zoom Dec 11

Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic we have been unable to have Café Simpatico live at the Fernwood Community Association as we have for more than 30 years.  Following October’s successful ZOOM presentation of Kay Gimbel speaking about Nicaragua, we are pleased to present:

YVES ENGLER  speaking from Montreal on ZOOM on:

Canada’s role in Latin America with special emphasis on Venezuela and Bolivia.

Yves Engler is Canada’s best political analyst and writer. His work is well-researched, insightful and vital to an understanding of Canada’s political policies and our place in the global power struggles.  It is essential reading for all solidarity and social justice activists.

Author of 10 books, Yves has written among others:

-Canada In Africa — 300 Years of Aid and Exploitation

-The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy

-Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid

-A Propaganda System — How Government, Corporations, Media and Academia Sell War and Exploitation

 House of Mirrors: Justin Trudeau’s Foreign Policy which is latest book.

Engler has spoken at public meetings and book launches many times in Victoria.  Unfortunately he was unable to come to Victoria and BC this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic to launch House of Mirrors: Justin Trudeau’s Foreign Policy.

(Please order it from your local book seller)

We are pleased to have the opportunity to present Engler on ZOOM to discuss:

 Canada’s role in Latin America with special emphasis on Venezuela and Bolivia.

Please join Yves with us:    Friday: December 11:  at 7 pm PST

 Link to Zoom Meeting:

Sponsored by the Victoria Central America Support Committee and the Mining Justice Action Committee

Donation appeal: food and health in el Salvador

November, 2020

Dear CASC supporters,

Your CASC planning committee has been meeting on ZOOM  during this  pandemic time, trying to carry out  our responsibilities to CASC.

We have had a successful ZOOM Café presentation by Kay Gimbel on Nicaragua and have plan another ZOOM Café on Dec. 11 at 7 pm.

( see:

CASC received an appeal for a donation to a food and health security project in El Salvador. The  appeal came  via several friends of  CASC, including Jay Hartling of Nova Scotia  who has spoken at Café Simpatico. 

The request was from a small isolated mountain community, Pachimalco.  It is one of a few remaining places in El Savador that has an Indigenous language and culture. It is also a poor community.

CASC was able to donate $600 to the project. As you can see our donation was spent on a chicken-raising initiative of the community’s plan to increase food security.  It is a modest amount but helps our friends have a more secure life. Other parts of the project included health supplies and tools which they were able to acquire with other funds.

Several  CASC members have been to this village and remember one of the  oldest trees in El Savador in the centre of the villaage – a massive CIBA (kapok) tree.

Terry Wolfwood for CASC planning committee