Category Archives: Special
Victoria International Election Observers to El Salvador
Report 2014:
Victoria International Election Observers to El Salvador
Introduction: CASC invited 2 observers to share their experiences & reflections on the 2014 Presidential election in El Salvador. After 2 elections & a recount Salvador Sanchez Ceren was declared winner by 7000 votes. His inauguration will take place on June1.
From Cory Greenlees
In the fall of 2013, the Victoria FMLN club requested volunteers to serve as international observers in the upcoming presidential election. After several meetings, eight of us volunteered and travelled to El Salvador for the February 2, 2014 presidential election.
Most of the delegation spent about ten days in El Salvador. Our responsibilities included monitoring events prior to the election, including press coverage, attending observer training, election day observation, and post election reporting.
Since the end of the civil war, and the signing of peace accords in 1992, international observers have been participating in El Salvador elections. International observers are invited to help ensure elections are fair and transparent. This year, approximately 6,000 international observers, from 33 countries, went to El Salvador to express solidarity and assist with the election.
International observers receive instructions.
On election day, international observers were dispatched to polls all over the country. The task was to witness proceedings in and around voting places. The instructions we received were not to interfere directly but to report questionable activities to local election officials. Intimidation, fraudulent voting, and inaccurate reporting of ballots were issues to be alert to. Thanks to the organization of the Victoria FMLN, our delegation was able to participate fully and contribute to the best of our ability.
Unfortunately, the first round of voting on February 2, did not produce a clear winner. With 49.5%, the incumbent FLMN party garnered 10 points more than the right wing ARENA party but did not get the required 50% +1 majority. A second round of voting takes place on March 9, 2014 and an FMLN win is predicted
FMLN campaign rally San Salvador 2014
Although a second round of voting is required, reports confirm that the February election was transparent and peaceful. The process of democratization continues to advance in El Salvador. Ease and access to voting places increased, fraud was reduced, and attention to human rights, including those of the disabled, gays, and women were enhanced. And no small matter, the 2014 election was the first election campaign in which no one was killed.
An inked finger serves as proof of voting in the presidential election on Feb 2.
While in El Salvador, the Victoria delegation also continued the solidarity work started by CASC, in 2009, with the community of El Milagro. Prior to departure, the Victoria delegation raised about $1600 for El Milagro. The funds were designated for improvements to the community health centre. Once in El Salvador, the delegation delivered the funds and met with people in El Milagro.
The children of El Milagro
Serving as an election observer was fascinating and worthwhile.
If you are interested in participating in the future contact:
Report by Kevin Neish.
For his full account see:
The March 9th second round of the Salvadoran election was a close one, with FMLN winning by only 0.22%, a 6,300 vote lead out of 3 million. How did the right wing ARENA party come so close to over taking the FMLN? Well, basically by using lies, threats, intimidation and cheating. In its 2nd round campaign, ARENA simply promised to do everything that the FMLN had already promised or done, usurping their campaign. For example, the FMLN government gave free education, school books, back packs, uniforms, shoes and a daily meal with a glass of milk to every Salvadoran school child.
As can be seen in this photo, ARENA blatantly steals the FMLN program victory, by proclaiming on its billboards that “We Eat Well in School”, showing healthy kids in new uniforms and backpacks, with glasses of milk in their hands, all of which was provided by the FMLN not ARENA.
As part of the intimidation campaign, the pro ARENA media, ran a daily stream of lurid anti-Venezuela articles, suggesting that the same fascist violence was in store for El Salvador, if the FMLN won the election.
I saw wholesale cheating and intimidation by ARENA on election day, at the “Feria Internacional” polling station in San Salvador.
Election rules state that there can be no campaigning within 300 meters of the poll entrance, but here you cannot even see the poll entrance, behind all the
Voters had to line up amongst intimidating ARENA propaganda and goons, just to enter the polling station yard.
But with the support of the majority of Salvadorans, like this vote being counted, the FMLN won, despite ARENA’s cheating, intimidation and lies.
Now we have to do whatever we can to support the new FMLN government against the expected attacks of ARENA and the US government.
Kevin Neish
CASC observer for both 2014 presidential elections.
Colombia trade unionist released on bail
Victory! Colombian Political Prisoner Liliany Obando to Be Freed on Thursday, March 1st, after 3 1/2 Years of Incarceration on False Evidence
by James Jordan,
Alliance for Global Justice National Co-Coordinator
Liliany Obando outside prison gates
The International Network in Solidarity with the Political Prisoners (of which The Alliance for Global Justice is a co-founder) has just received the wonderful news that labor activist, human rights defender and Colombian Political Prisoner Liliany Obando will be released on bond tomorrow from the prison where she has been held for three years and seven months on charges of “Rebellion”.
Liliany Obando was arrested August 8, 2008 while serving as the Human Rights Coordinator for FENSUAGRO, Colombia’s largest organization of peasant farmers and farm workers unions and associations. She was apprehended while finishing a report about the more than 1,500 Fensuagro members who had been killed by Colombian military and paramilitary troops over its first 30 years of existence. She was detained on the basis of evidence allegedly obtained from computers that “miraculously” survived an attack against a FARC encampment across the border from the Colombian Department of Putumayo, in Ecuador. That camp was not a camp carrying out aggressions, but was involved in negotiations toward the release of FARC captives Ingrid Betancourt and three US citizens. The Uribe administration had learned that the camp had had back-channel talks with members of the US State Department. The attack, ordered by then-Defense Minister and current Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, was widely considered to be an attack on hopes for a peace process itself.
Evidence said to be contained in the computers was not credible. The international police agency INTERPOL said that the sources of files the computer contained could not be authenticated. The chain of custody of the evidence was broken and unaccounted for several times during the first days it was seized and at least two Colombian law enforcement personnel testified that the files had been manipulated. Charges against Obando were made on the basis of copies of emails said to have been found on the computer. However, Police Captain Ronald Hayden Coy Ortiz, who oversaw the initial investigation testified in court that the computers contained no email records.
Nevertheless, Obando’s case was stretched out over more than three years without resolution. Even when the Colombian Supreme Court ruled that the evidence against her was inadmissible, she continued to be jailed
But even if the Supreme Court, Interpol and the government’s own witnesses could be ignored, an international campaign for her freedom could not. After years of friend of the court statements signed by such notable supporters as Prof. Noam Chomsky, Sanctuary Movement founder and former President of the Presbyterian Church Rev. John Fife, Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin and others, petitions, letters, emails, demonstrations, phone calls and delegations on her behalf, Liliany Obando is finally looking forward to being united with her two children and other friends and family–and to her freedom. It is no mistake that her release was announced concurrent with a major conference in support of the more than 8,000 Colombian political prisoners: the Colombia Behind Bars Forum, with guests from around the world, including representatives of the INSPP and AFGJ. This is yet another example of the power and influence of international pressure!
Press conference
Nevertheless, all is not settled regarding Liliany’s case. The court process has not been suspended and she still could be sent back to jail. Further, political prisoners released into the general public are often at risk of violence in the first days, weeks and months following their liberty.
I spoke today to Liliany at the Buen Pastor (Good Shepherd) Women’s Penitentiary just moments after receiving the news. I was so happy, overjoyed I could barely contain myself. Lily greeted me, “You heard the good news?” Yes, of course, I’d heard it. I asked her how she was feeling, and she said, “I have mixed emotions. I want to leave, but I don’t want to leave the other political prisoners behind. We have to keep working until all the political prisoners are free.”
Yes, that is the Liliany Obando that so many of us have come to know, love and look up to. Never tiring of the struggle for peace, justice and human and labor rights, the day she entered the prison she started collecting the testimonies of other political prisoners and organizing on their behalf. From within the jail cells, Liliany proposed the establishment of the International Network for the Political Prisoners and always insisted that we not only advocate for her freedom, but for the freedom of all her comrades deprived of liberty. And she insisted that we not just advocate for the freedom of the political prisoners, but for peace in Colombia.
From the beginning, the INSPP has insisted that a first step toward a real and just peace in Colombia will begin with a humanitarian exchange of Prisoners of War, and with the immediate freedom of all of Colombia’s Prisoners of Conscience and Prisoners Due to Judicial Set-ups.
Today there are many indications that a legitimate peace process could be ready to begin in Colombia. The recent announcements that the FARC would release all their current military prisoners met with the release of Liliany are significant. But international pressure must not let up! Now is the time to demand the freedom of all Colombia’s 8,000 political prisoners and, more, for an inclusive peace process based on dialogue and negotiations, and wit
hout unrealistic pre-conditions. And for us in the US, we must demand an end to our country’s sponsorship of war and repression in Colombia, including our funding and restructuring of Colombian prisons where political prisoners are concentrated under harsh conditions.
But as we vow to continue this struggle…let us also take a moment to celebrate this great victory. As Liliany once told me, “By day we struggle, by night we dance!
As a high profile political prisoner, Liliany Obando is under the threat and risk of violence and there has been a request for international accompaniment for her during her first days of freedom. AFGJ and the INSPP are preparing for the possibility of traveling to Colombia to help provide protection. There is also a need to raise more than $3,000 to cover her bond payment.
Local human rights activists reporting from Mexico
We had hoped to meet community activists opposing the destruction of their community life and environment by a Canadian mining company. The activist we planned to meet, Bernardo Vasquez Sanchez, was killed last night, March 15, 2012, and his brother and cousin were wounded. This mine, locally called Trinidad, is operated by Minera Cuzcatlan, a subsidiary of Canadian Fortuna Silver mines. It is in San Jose el Progreso, in the Ocotlan Valley, south of Oaxaca For more information about this tragedy see:
For information about this company see:
According to this website, the mine achieved commercial production in September 2011.
In 2011, the mine produced 490,555 ounces of silver and 4,622 ounces of gold. For 2012, San Jose is expected to produce 1.7 million ounces of silver and 15,000 ounces of gold.
The company has initiated plans to expand mine and processing plant treatment capacity and when completed, San Jose is expected to annually produce approximately 3.2 million ounces of silver, 25,000 ounces of gold, or 4.6 million silver equivalent ounces. Life of mine average cash operating cost, net of by-products, is estimated at US$7.84 per silver equivalent ounce.
This is not the first death of a community activist opposed to the operation of this mine. Another community leader was killed & one injured in January, 2012.
Globally, Canadian mining companies are accused of bribing local politicians and officials in order to operate without proper community consultation and without social or environmental concern. As a result, local activists are killed and injured, and many more are subjected to threats and beatings.
Please write to express your concern and shock about these deaths and attempted deaths to: Ralph Rushton, Fortuna Silver Mines Corporate Office, Suite 650, 200 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6C 3L6. T: .604.484.4085 & to Also to: The Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway. Phone: (613) 995-0183 Fax: (613)
996-9795 E-mail:
Please forward this call for urgent action to others who would respond as well.
Por Manuel E. Yepe
Hace más de medio siglo que, en Miami, ciertos sectores de la inmigración cubana -cada vez más reducidos respecto al conjunto de
ésta- hablan de su país natal como de un “paraíso perdido”.
La propaganda contra la revolución cubana presenta la quinta década del pasado siglo como un período de gran prosperidad para “demostrar”
las ventajas del capitalismo para la Isla.
Aunque entre los llamados “líderes del exilio cubano” (algunos de los cuales devenidos congresistas en Washington) haya unos pocos extremistas que llegan hasta el elogio de la contribución de Batista al desarrollo económico y social de Cuba, la mayor parte de los economistas de origen cubano radicados en Estados Unidos presentan a la década de 1950 como un período de prosperidad para Cuba, lamentablemente afectado por los desmanes de la sangrienta tiranía impuesta mediante el golpe de Estado de 1952.
Para ellos, lo deseable habría sido suprimir esa execrable dictadura y restablecer el orden constitucional y la democracia representativa, sin que fueran necesarios más cambios en la vida política, la economía y la sociedad.
Para argumentar esa supuesta prosperidad, estos economistas comparan algunos indicadores económicos de Cuba en aquellos tiempos que son superiores a los de otros países de América Latina y el Caribe y excluyen de la comparación a otros indicadores que demuestran lo contrario.
Esa homologación estadística manipulada, en una región caracterizada por las mayores desigualdades económicas y sociales del planeta, les permite inferir que la Isla tenía un notable progreso económico y social, cuando ello debía servir como denuncia de la dolorosa situación por la que atravesaban las naciones de América Latina, con indicadores de desarrollo peores aún que los pésimos de Cuba.
Algunos de los indicadores estadísticos superiores que exhibía Cuba entonces no eran sinónimos de desarrollo, sino de la mayor dependencia de un país considerado de gran importancia para la seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos que constituía, por ello, escenario privilegiado para determinadas inversiones por la garantía que derivaba de su alto grado de subordinación al imperio.
A mediados de la década de 1950, Cuba se convirtió en uno de los principales mercados y rutas del tráfico de estupefacientes hacia Estados Unidos con la consiguiente inyección de considerables cantidades de dinero en proceso de lavado.
Bajo la conducción de líderes de la mafia estadounidense como Meyer Lansky y Santos Traficantti, estrechamente relacionados con en el dictador Batista, La Habana vivió un proceso de conversión de la ciudad en Las Vegas de América Latina. Ello trajo un notable incremento del turismo y de la vida nocturna: los ricos, las cúpulas militares y los políticos corruptos integrados con la dictadura vivían bien, pero la inmensa mayoría de la población no disfrutaba ese bienestar.
La imagen idílica de Cuba en los cincuenta la conformaban nuevos hoteles, casinos, cabarets, tiendas departamentales y grandes y lujosos edificios de apartamentos que cambiaron la fachada de la capital cubana a base del dinero lavado por la mafia y la malversación de los fondos públicos que creció a extremos mayores aún que en los de los igualmente corruptos gobiernos anteriores a la tiranía de Batista.
Pero lo cierto es que el telón de fondo que tenían los crímenes de la tiranía y la lucha armada insurreccional contra ella, era bien distinta de esa imagen idílica que le han pretendido adjudicar, a la distancia de los años, a la Cuba de los 50: Oleadas de niños en busca de su sustento en la mendicidad, limpiando parabrisas de autos, lustrando zapatos o vendiendo periódicos, tanto en calles y plazas de ciudades como en los campos, donde la miseria era extrema; ancianos y discapacitados viviendo de la caridad pública; largas filas de hombres en busca de trabajo y extendida angustia de miles de mujeres gestionando empleo como sirvientas, o como prostitutas en burdeles o ambulantes. Proliferaban bares y garitos con juegos de apuestas para pobres que se encargaban de extraer de la población humilde hasta el último centavo, abusando de su desesperanza ante las realidades cotidianas.
Cuba no era en la época inmediata anterior a la victoria sobre la tiranía batistiana, ni un paraíso ni una excepción respecto a los demás países de América Latina.
Hoy sí es una excepción por sus asombrosos resultados en el ejercicio de la independencia plena y la práctica de justicia social, objetivos que el bloqueo y la hostilidad permanente del imperio no han podido impedir, aunque hayan entorpecido y retrasado el logro de otros propósitos irrenunciables del proyecto revolucionario como un mayor desarrollo económico y una democracia más plena.
Octubre de 2011.
CASC Fiesta 30th. Anniversary
Stories and photos by Theresa Wolfwood
I have been fortunate to meet and hear three strong Latin American women speak about their struggles; of course, they mean not their individual problems, but the struggles of women and everyone working for justice in their region. Behind every successful social and political transformation are hundreds of determined women, connected and committed to their work. And if there is anywhere in the world we can look for inspiration and example for our much needed social change, it is Latin America.
On March 8, International Women’s Day, Esperanza Luzbert of Cuba was in Victoria to speak about the role of women in Haiti after the earthquake. Haitian women, angered because they wanted shelter for their families, not the military takeover of their neighbourhoods, marched on Feb, 7 to the UN headquarters (formerly Haiti’s only medical school during the Aristide government.) Although many foreigners were entering, 500 Haitian women were not allowed in with their signs, “Tents, not Guns”.
The UN only deals with governments and worldwide it is frightened of popular movements and will not recognize them – even when as in the case of Haiti, they were the main structure of self-government. The women demonstrated again on March 8 and called for self-determination for Haiti as well and were driven back by police. Women are the backbone of the Haitian economy; 80% of the informal market is run by women, they are the leaders in most community organizations and when camps were set up for the homeless after the earthquake, women formed the organizing committees.
Meanwhile as international agencies scrambled for a piece of the action, Cuban medical teams were already working in Haiti with 400 doctors, mainly women, and other medical personnel along with Haitian doctors who had been trained in Cuba. Very quickly field hospitals were set up and thousands of injured Haitians were treated in the first 72 hours after the quake. But Esperanza said that Cuban medical aid, accepted and appreciated by Haitians, was not a short term effort. She spoke about Cuban medical assistance in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases and much needed help in sanitation. Cuba also has a special emergency medical brigade – ready to go on short notice that augmented the teams already present in Haiti. Cuba has developed special mosquito and rat control procedures (they offered them and emergency aid to the USA after New Orleans flooded, but were refused). Cuban medical teams will work on long term effects, particularly on traumatized children and Esperanza said Cuba was setting up programmes for rehabilitation for children and others emotionally damaged by the earthquake’s effect on family and community life.
Cuba women are not only prominent in medical professions with 55% of doctors being women. Cuba has an infant mortality rate of 4.7 per 1000 live births. Women have total freedom of choice, abortion is free and family planning is universally available for women and men. Women comprise more than half of university students and professors. 43% of Members of Parliament are women; there are 7 women cabinet ministers (28%of total). Enjoying the free, universal access to education offered in Cuba, Esperanza studied English at university and has worked in the Cuba embassy in Ottawa.
She called on us to pressure the USA to free the Cuban 5. These Cuban men were in the USA and infiltrated an extreme rightwing anti-Cuban terrorist group. They were incarcerated and given long and harsh sentences. Known murderers and criminals who bombed a Havana hotel and killed a Canadian are walking free in Miami.
Esperanza ended her talk with a quote from Jose Marti, the Cuban independence hero: No policy is successful without the participation of women.
FMLN Member of Parliament, Lourdes Palacio, was a combatant who took advantage of the opportunity to go to university at end of El Salvador’s civil war in 1992. She studied economics and joined a local NGO, working on development projects in rural areas.
Agriculture is her passion; food security is her goal. Lourdes says that, even in a small densely populated country, there is much good land which is not being used and that El Salvador imports much of its food.
That a Canadian mining company has drained the water table and caused major drought and toxicity problems for farmers during its exploratory drilling is an important issue close to Lourdes’ heart and her political work as a member of the Salvadorian parliament’s Commissions on health & natural resources and on agriculture & economics.
On its corporate website this company says, “Pacific Rim is an environmentally and socially responsible exploration company focused exclusively on high grade, environmentally clean gold deposits in the Americas. Pacific Rim’s primary asset and focus of its growth strategy is the high grade, vein-hosted El Dorado gold project in El Salvador… “. But that is not the whole story; the present water scarcity and pollution, the eventual release of poisonous arsenic from the ore, and the prospect of cyanide use in processing if the mine does go into operation and the very real possibility of contaminating the drinking water of two million people mean even greater environmental danger; the lack of acknowledgement of these problems is hardly ’environmentally and socially responsible’.
Local community groups organized to oppose Pacific Rim’s permit when they learned of the potential danger of gold mining even though there was no community consultation about the mining exploration; as a result the Government of El Salvador cancelled this permit. Pacific Rim is now suing the Salvadorian government under CAFTA through its USA subsidiary for more than $80 million. Since Pacific Rim started its exploration in Cabañas violence and fear have spread terror in this small farming region. Radio stations and priests voicing concern about the mining have been threatened and community activists have been murdered, the latest, in December 2009, was a pregnant woman.
A private member’s bill about responsibility of Canadian companies abroad may still be heard in parliament; write to Liberal MP Bob Rae to show your support for Bill C-300. We are asked to contact Pacific Rim and ask it to cease its Salvadorian operation and its CAFTA case: Catherine McLeod-Seltzer, Chair, and Thomas C. Shrake, President & CEO, Pacific Rim Mining Corp, 410 – 625 Howe St. Vancouver, V6C 2T6, BC. Lourdes also asks Canadians to call on the Salvadorian Attorney-General, Romeo Benjamin Barahona Melendez, to initiate a full public enquiry into the deaths of community leaders and threats against others who oppose Pacific Rim’s activities. For addresses call the El Salvador embassy in Ottawa at 613 238-2939.
Lourdes encouraged Canadians to support anti-mining community organizations in Cabañas with letters, donations and other actions. Contact: fmlnvictoria(at) for addresses and details.
Pacific Rim’s property is one of many that foreign companies are eyeing greedily a gold belt that extends through El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Honduras. The USA has built a new highway across El Salvador, providing access to this gold belt. Canadian mining companies are active in the whole region; many observers believe that Canada’s foreign poli
cy in Latin America is dictated by mining companies. Canada did nothing to restore democracy and the overthrown President in Honduras – Canadian companies are busy there. The present price of gold is about $1150/troy ounce; the production cost, particularly in the majority world is less than one-half that price; no wonder our government serves our lucrative corporate interests.
Lourdes believes the first priority of her government is to reactivate the agricultural sector and to restore food security to her country. Small farmers have benefitted from some land distribution and are now getting assistance for seeds, tools etc. Unfortunately the last government changed the Seed Act an allowed GMO seeds to be used; this government is trying to reverse that and is working on a long term plan for agricultural development
Lourdes is one of many women who participate in public life in El Salvador; the mayor of Apopa (a large city outside San Salvador) is a young doctor and the last mayor of San Salvador was a combatant who became a physician; both turned to politics to work for healthcare for Salvadorians. Women are prominent in professions and definitely conspicuous in small business and the informal economy. So many men were killed in the civil war or have left for economic reasons, that many women are sole heads of families as well.
A quiet, determined woman with a mission to protect the health and environment of Salvadorians and to secure food and water for all, Lourdes reminds me of the poem by Blanca Mirna Benavides, “…you devour distances/carrying the future/on your back.”
Liliany Obando visited Victoria in 2004 and 2006 to meet with activists and trade unions about human rights violations in Colombia where activists and peasant leaders disappear at an alarming rate. Sometimes tortured bodies appear; other times the disappearance is permanent. She knew her name was on the list because her work involved investigating these crimes against peasant leaders of FENESGRO, the largest Colombian farmers’ union.
In August 2008 she was arrested and jailed in a high security prison for women political activists. After a year she was charged with ‘Rebellion’ and ‘Raising funds for terrorism’. While she was in Canada; she was collecting funds for her union’s work. The trial drags on with little evidence being produced.
Victorian Kevin Neish has been to Colombia several times as an observer for her trial that finally began in December 2009 and as a protective witness for her children and mother.
He writes about Liliany as“a young child in Pasto, she once came upon a policeman rousting a peasant women selling fruit, off the sidewalk. Liliany ran into the street to collect and return the women’s fruit, which the policeman simply threw back out. Then, to the horror of her mother and sister, Liliany gathered up the fruit and pelted the policeman with them! The little girl was roughly “arrested” and taken to the station where she was scolded, threatened and eventually released, in the hope of teaching her a lesson. The “lesson” little Liliany appeared to have learned that day was that the road to justice was through struggle”.
Kevin also says,” Liliany is just one of 7200 political prisoners held in horrendous prisons all across Colombia, many without charges. When I first met Liliany in Buen Pastor Prison in September 09, I immediately expressed my sadness at her situation. She rebuked me. “Kevin this is just another front in the struggle.” … Liliany has organized the prisoners to communally resist the oppression of the prison. Funds donated to her from Canada turn into food, cosmetics, craft supplies and clothing for other prisoners. Fiestas are organized for International Women’s day and other political celebrations. During my visits with her, other prisoners would regularly interrupt us to ask Liliany questions and take her away to impromptu meetings. It turns out she is treated as a sort of mediator among the prisoners. Like so many countries, Colombian prisoners have legal rights, but only on paper, but Liliany and her fellow prisoners have been forcing the authorities to actually respect these prisoners’ “paper” rights.”
Liliany has a copy of the Criminal Code of Colombia and uses it to educate all the prisoners in Buen Pastor about their legal rights. She receives many international visitors because of her work with FENESGRO and makes sure that they learn the situation of all the women in prison with her.
Because of her committed activism in the jail Kevin reports that,” the prison authorities have deemed Liliany a “problem prisoner” and want to transfer her to the notorious “La Tramacua” prison in the extremely hot dry North, beyond the reach of her family and visiting foreigners, and this is regardless of the fact that she has yet to be convicted of anything.”
As are many Canadians, I am concerned that Canada wants to sign a Free Trade Agreement with Colombia and our politicians actually say this will improve the lack of human rights in Colombia. Canada signed a Free Trade Agreement with Israel in 1997; human rights there have worsened not improved; there is no evidence anywhere that Free Trade improves Human Rights. Colombia has the world’s high rate of assassination and disappearance of human rights & labour activists and of investigative journalists.
Liliany and her companions need our support: check: for ideas. Locally more information is available at: with video interviews and news reports on her trial. Liliany speaks English, she can receive short phone calls and mail: contact Kevin: for details. For more information see homepage as well.
Write and demand Liliany Patricia Obando Villota be released, have all charges withdrawn, and be treated as a democratic citizen, to: His Excellency Jaime Giron Duarte, Ambassador of Colombia to Canada, 1002 – 360 Albert St. Ottawa, ON, K1R 7X7. Liliany is steadfast on her dangerous journey on the road for justice; there is no danger for us in solidarity work to support freedom for Liliany and human rights for all Colombians. La lucha continua!
50 reasons to buy Fair Trade Coffee
Miles Litvinoff and John Madeley. 50 Reasons to Buy Fair Trade 2007 Pluto Press. UK
“The mainstream trading system is failing the poor. Fair Trade offers partnership in place of exploitation.”
Theresa Wolfwood
Beyond the general response when people ask why one should support fair trade – something that I usually sum up as a better life for producers and an opportunity for consumers to challenge the bottom line mentality of ruthless global corporations, this useful volume offers some very specific reasons and specific details of more general reasons.
Fair Trade has been growing spectacularly in both quantity and variety of goods available. Coffee is always the first product that comes to mind – it is the success story that inspires more products and producers to go Fair Trade. Yet even that has its doubters & when big multinational start saying ‘part’ of their sales will be Fair Trade, we need to doubt (and not buy their products for many other reasons as well).
A friend of mine credited in this book who works in a solidarity organization had her doubts, even though the organization runs a Fair Trade shop; then she was invited to Nicaragua to see a community producing fair trade coffee. It was about 8 years ago when world coffee prices took a drastic dive. She saw the community flourishing on their guaranteed sales and enjoying the facilities that part of the sales funds – schools, clinics, water access etc. She saw that people had time and resources to grow their own food crops as well. On the road from Managua to the Fair Trade community she also saw hundreds of desperate workers, laid off & evicted from coffee plantations, trying to get into Managua to find work and some way to feed their families. The contrast convinced her and she returned to the UK a strong supporter of Fair Trade.
Fair Trade coffee producers of Nicaragua are proud of their product and the respect it garners them. For them to convert to organic was easier because they are offered training and, because of the premium price, they can practice environmental conservation. One coffee producer is quoted in the book as saying when she was asked about Fair Trade, “Buy our coffee because it is the best quality, not because we are poor farmers.” I agree. For 20 years I have been drinking Fair Trade coffee from Omotepe Island in Lake Nicaragua, now marketed as Cafe Simpatico by Victoria’s Central America Support Committee. Simply the best.
Now widely available in Canada, even in supermarkets, are Camino cocoa products; cocoa powder, hot chocolate mix, chocolate chips for baking and an amazing variety of chocolate bars. The bars are cleverly wrapped so that the story of the cooperative in the Dominican Republic where the cocoa trees grow is on the inside of every bar. If you need more persuasion, read the story (BITTER CHOCOLATE: Investigating the dark side of the world’s most seductive sweet by Carol Off) of the child slave trade and worker exploitation on plantations in West Africa which provides most of the world’s cocoa.
“Chemical pesticides poison 20,000 people a year and have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.”
Fair Trade encourages organic production and helps farmers reduce and stop the use of dangerous chemical herbicides and pesticides. The workers on plantations know their health hazards and even asked one journalist, “Aren’t you afraid to eat our cocoa? Workers and consumers both benefit from organic production.
Products sold as ‘Organic’ in our stores may have health advantages, but there is no guarantee that the workers producing the goods are paid or treated fairly. Only ‘Fair Trade’ ensures that.
This book also documents products we seldom think about – such as cotton and carpets. Yet cotton production uses more pesticides than any other crop. Cotton’s fluctuating prices (helped by subsidized crops from the EU) and increasing expenses drive many Indian cotton farmers to suicide every year. Fair Trade guarantees a fixed price and support on many levels so small farmers don’t feel isolated and powerless. Think of that when you buy your next cheap T-shirt.
In Germany in 1990 the campaign for fairly produced carpets gave birth to Rugmark. This certification ensures – through unannounced inspections and checks- that rugs are made by fairly paid adults or families whose children may work an hour or two after school. Part of the sale price returns to fund education and other community projects.
The fifty reasons are too many to list here – read the book and be inspired to help Fair Trade develop in your community. At the same time you will be helping save the environment, improving the health of many workers and consumers, protecting diversity and serving notice to big corporations that there is a powerful alternative to bottom line economics. We can all be an active part of a positive and successful transformation that is sweeping the world: Fair Trade.