Category Archives: Café Simpatico

Cafe Simpatico

The last cafe until September!

Friday June 26

Doors open at 5:30 pm……….Potluck dinner at 6 pm

1923 Fernwood Road


Music by our own Nedjo, Glenys, Ardeo & Grace with special guests Sharon Hazel wood & Alan O’Dean!

Reports on CASC’s working groups with action suggestions for summer homework.



Come with your favourite dish  & bring friends & enjoy socializing & singing along with like-minded activists on a summer evening!

If you can help with set-up & we need some tablecloths as well- please call Terry at 250 595-7519


As always we will be serving & selling by the pound our own Cafe Simpatico fair trade organic coffee from Nicaragua.

Cafe Simpation Presents: Ayotzinapa

Mexico’s Missing 43 Students, Human Rights, The War on Drugs, & NAFTA
including information about mining exploitation in Mexico

Friday, Feb 27th, 1923 Fernwood Rd.
7:30pm – Singalong
8:00pm – Films and Speaker

Join us for an important film of this tragic case*. CASC member Tim Boultbee will provide an update and field questions.

*The subject matter and images in this film may be disturbing to some people.

Admission by donation

Refreshments & Fair Trade Coffee available.


Love and Resistance: A book launch and poetry reading by Theresa Wolfwood

Special musical guests: Sharon Hazelwood and Alan O’Dean

Textile Art Exhibition
Updates and news from CASC
Refreshments & Fair trade organic coffee
Book sales and author signing ($15, cash or cheque)


1923 Fernwood Road
Doors open at 7:15 pm
7:30 pm Sing-a-long with Nedjo and friends
8 pm Program & poetry
All welcome

Communities in Resistance Art Opening and Poetry Night

The October 24th Cafe Simpatico was a moving and beautiful event
combining visual art, poetry, and song.

Sponsored by the Victoria-based Mining Justice Action Committee,
“Communities in Resistance” was a project to honour and recognize
communities impacted worldwide by the operations of Canadian-based
mining companies.

Outgoing Victoria Poet Laureate Janet Rogers opened the evening with
riveting readings from her most recent book, Peace in Duress.

Local poet and CASC member Terry Wolfwood read two pieces about
community leaders targeted for their resistance to Canadian mining in El

The event was also an opening for a two-week art show at the Little
Fernwood Gallery adjoining the Paul Phillips Hall where Cafe Simpatico
is held. Several of the artists were on hand to answer questions about
the moving pieces they produced.

Images from the event on the MJAC website,
and in a YouTube video by the
ExibitVic project.

Oro by Charlotte Bell

Cafe Simpatico is pleased to present:

Cafe Simpatico is pleased to present:

An illustrated talk by Tessa Munro

November 28

Fernwood Community Association (FCA)

1923 Fernwood Road.

Tessa is a registered nurse and a graduate of Selkirk College. She has worked in both direct patient care and community health. Her interests lie in the intersection between activism, social movements, global health and nursing. She recently spent 4 months living and learning in Guatemala and Mexico.

Tessa will speak about her experiences with Nuevo Horizonte, a Guatemalan co-operative of ex guerrilla combatants, and its community and political work. She will talk about their initiatives and how she understands underlying social/political/economic forces that shape health and wellbeing in Guatemala and she will make links to increasing health challenges experienced in Canada and the same social/political/economic forces. She also will tell us about her experiences in a Zapatista community in Chiapas, Mexico and will speak about the work this movement does in community and how Zapatista resistance is linked to Guatemala and with our lives in Canada, particularly the indigenous resurgence here. We will be informed and inspired in our solidarity work by her words and images. Come and bring friends.

Doors open 7:15 pm and live music at 7:30 pm.

Presentation at 8 pm.

Admission by donation

Refreshments and fair trade organic coffee for sale.



Review: September 2014 Cafe Simpatico

CASC honoured our elders and long-time activists for solidarity at September’s cafe. John Hillian thanked Andree Scott for years of service on our board, translation and hospitality; Bev Wood for many years of working and organizing volunteers & refreshments at Cafe; Bill and Gudrun Doherty for their unflagging quiet work, hospitality and generosity. John presented them with lovely scrolls made by Nancy and then Andree cut the cake for all. Recently Bill & Gudrun have moved into the Cridge Centre and they welcome visors to their new home there. They donated the proceeds of their moving sale on Saturday to CASC, many of us were able to help at the sale & many CASC supporters bought some of Doherty’s treasures. The proceeds were more than $1000 and we again thank them for their generosity and support.

Communities in Resistance and the Art of Solidarity

Mining Justice Action Committee presents
Communities in Resistance
and the Art of Solidarity
Spoken word/music
evening and art reception
October 24, 2014 7:30 pm
Co-hosted by CASC Cafe Simpatico
Art show
October 16 – November 6, 2014
Both at Little Fernwood Gallery/Hall
1923 Fernwood Road, Victoria, BC
For more information: or

Sept. Cafe Simpatico: The Art of Resistance

Where: Fernwood Community Assoc. 1923 Fernwood Rd.

7:30pm Singalong with Nedjo Rogers & friends
8:00pm: Slide presentation by Theresa Wolfwood

What: A vivid portrayal of how people the world over have used their creative power to resist war, violence & injustice, including in Latin America & here on Vancouver Island

Refreshments served: Nicaraguan Fair Trade coffee
All welcome: admission by donation



CASC Café Simpatico April Report

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CASC presented an illustrated talk by Theresa Wolfwood, recently returned from Western Sahara refugee camps, entitled:

BEYOND the VEIL of SAND: The Saharawi people in exile & under occupation.

This little-known land is known as Spain’s last colony and as Africa’s only remaining colony. Theresa gave the historical background to the present state of injustice, exile and repression.

Spain occupied Western Sahara for nearly 100 years. When it pulled out in 1975, Morocco invaded and settled thousands of Moroccan colonists in the country. Morocco militarily drove out thousands of Saharawi civilians, who fled across the desert to Algeria, where they have lived in exile for thirty-nine years. The remaining population in Western Sahara is subjected to the brutal regime of Moroccan occupation.

For the complete story with photos, references and action suggestions please see:


This photo shows the sand wall, the berm that Morocco built to separate its occupied Western Sahara from a small liberated Saharawi strip and Algerian. It is heavily fortified and is seeded with 10 million landmines.


Aminatou Haider lives in occupied Western Sahara. She has been nominated for the Nobel Peace prize for her leadership in non-violent resistance; she has been beaten, tortured and jailed.

Girls in refugee camp celebrate the 38th anniversary of the founding of the nation. Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic.