Trois Riveres Tale

Special performance fundraiser at Cafe Simpatico: The Trois-Rivières Tales

On January 31 Cafe Simpatico features performance artist social activist Nedjo Rogers in a one of a kind performance piece: the Trois-Rivières Tales!

Join the wild ride as Nedjo leads you on a cross-Canada road trip story telling contest. Modelled (loosely!) on the Canterbury Tales, this rollicking mock epic features drunken car thieves, Greek gods, an ode to Saskatchewan, and prophetic activist visions–all in rhyming couplets.

Special performance fundraiser at Cafe Simpatico: The Trois-Rivières Tal
WhenFriday, January 31, 2014, 7:30 pm
Where: 1923 Fernwood Rd. (Little Fernwood Hall).

Doors open at 7:00. Come early for coffee, tea, and cookies.
Starts 7:30. We will start on time, so please be seated by 7:30.
Length: 90 minutes.
Please stay for refreshments and mingling following the show.
More info:

A benefit for Central America Support Committee and Mining Justice Action Committee.

Suggested donation: $7 unwaged/$10 waged.

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